Alle diensten
Here you will find an overview of our most requested diensten . This is just a selection of what we offer. Is your desired service not listed? Please feel free to contact us for more information.
Onze diensten
Click on a block for more information

Website laten maken
With us you can have a unique & conversion-oriented website created for a fixed amount that will attract customers and help you excel compared to your competitors.

Internet problemen verhelpen
Do you suffer from slow internet ? We measure the WiFi speed and optimally configure the network for good coverage throughout the house.

Computer of laptop
Are you experiencing annoying error messages, or is there something else that is not working? We help with Windows and Mac devices.

Back-up maken
Zorg ervoor dat je waardevolle bestanden op je computer, tablet en smartphone regelmatig worden opgeslagen met een back-up, om gegevensverlies te voorkomen in het geval van een systeem crash.

Zakelijke ICT dienstverlening
We offer on-site IT services. Temporarily need an IT specialist on the work floor or workplaces that need to be prepared? We offer the solution.

Overige diensten
Naast de computer, telefoon of tablet zijn er nog veel meer dingen die mis kunnen gaan. Ook hier helpen wij je graag bij.